Wadi Sal 

A vertiginous trail from the of Wadi Qida'a to the summit of Wadi Sal. 

This expedition offers breathtaking scenery, but if you're afraid of heights, steer clear!

Of course, on the way down, you'll need to keep your gears low to avoid destroying your brakes.

GSM reception is not perfect, with some areas out of range, but the signal is generally good enough.

For this unforgettable  excursion, allow a good 2 hours for the outward and return trips in the wadi (~18km)

Once you reach the top, you have to go down by the same trail.

2/5 only if you're not afraid of heights, if you're afraid, it's better to stay away
One way from the wadi to the top is 9,2km of rocks and vertiginous trail !
Not suitable for SUVs 

GPS 1 Wadi Qida'a Entry (same as Wadi Naqab entry)
25.78452, 56.07489

GPS 2 Wadi Sal Trail
25.757522 56.128430

GPS 3 Wadi Sal Top
25.73886, 56.13424