Driving position

Safety belts 

The driver and all passengers must wear seatbelts whenever the vehicle is in motion. 

This also applies to low-speed crossings; sudden movements of the car are particularly dangerous in 4x4 vehicles, and it's best to be properly buckled up at all times. 

Hand position on the steering wheel

Hold the steering wheel firmly with your hands in the “10h10” position.

Place your thumbs on the steering wheel, not inside; this is very important, because when the wheels hit an obstacle, the steering wheel can turn very violently, breaking a finger in the process!

Driver's position in 4x4

The driver should sit comfortably, back straight, holding the steering wheel firmly with both hands.

Drive smoothly, without jerking, keeping as much grip on the ground as possible.  Spinning the tires on the throttle is no help at all when crossing obstacles.

For automatic cars, leave the lever in position “D” for easy passages. For more difficult passages or descents, switch to mode 2, 3 or L, depending on your model. Contrary to popular belief, automatics perform much better than manuals in 4x4 driving. 

Driving a manual car is more difficult, as you need to anticipate downshifts carefully to ensure you're always in the best gear to avoid a loss of revs. It's better to downshift too early than too late. After a few crashes, you'll soon understand how it works! 

On descents, use engine braking to avoid overheating your discs.

Some models allow you to lock the 4x4 while driving, or even to lock the differentials; read your car's instruction manual carefully to find out what is possible and what is not.