Al Bidya Mosque 

Al Bidya Mosque is the oldest mosque in the UAE. 

It was built using local materials from large and small stones. The prayer hall has small mirhab and simple minaret. It takes a square shape and it has four domes based on one central column. Through collaboration betewwn Heritage and Antiquities department Fujairah and University of Sidney (AUS) a study conducted during the excavation season in 1997/1998 which analyzes by carbon 14, it find out that the mosque was built around 1446.

Despite its age, this mosque is particularly well preserved and deserves to be visited with the respect due to holy places. Near the mosque, you can also admire a watchtower, also very old, overlooking a magnificent landscape. 

Free parking , free entrance

1/5  Esay drive on the road along the east UAE coast

GPS Al Bidya Mosque
25.43956, 56.35505