Maps & GPS routes
Those pages are updated regularly, so keep checking back for new routes.
Are you looking for file GPS-KML-KMZ converter ? click here
Are you looking for GPS routes and GPS waypoints to discover new regions? Then you've come to the right place!
I update the information regularly but don't forget that conditions change quickly.
A passage today may no longer be possible tomorrow.
By following my routes, you do so with full knowledge of the facts and under your sole responsibility.
How does it work?
It's better to install Google Earth on your device in ordre to read the KLM files
1. Choose the track you want to dowload, the preview map show the itinerary; you can also upload the map in PDF by clicking on it.
2. To upload the GPS waypoint as KLM file or as GPX file (for GPS like Garmin) by clicking on the link below.
-> By double-click on the KLM file after downloading, it will be open automatically in Goolgle Earth
Have a safe trip!
Warning 1
We accept no responsibility for the data contained in our files or for the consequences of their use. By downloading them and following the suggested routes, you acknowledge that you accept all risks associated with the use of the data, as well as those associated with driving on or offroad.
Warning 2
If you've made it this far, you're experienced in off-road driving and you know the useful recommendations before tackling the desert. So I won't bore you with the usual advices.
If you're not familiar with them, before going further, just do a Google search and you'll find all the dos and don'ts.
Don't venture into the desert without knowledge and experience. If necessary, take a guide and driver to avoid any accidents.
6th Section : Algeria routes (work in progress)