Overcoming obstacles

When passing over obstacles, never force the vehicle, but use its kinetics.

The maneuver takes place in two stages

just before the obstacle, brake firmly to slow down and make the car “nose dive”, 


A. Obstacle

When the car brakes, the kinetic force causes it to nosedive and the rear end to lift.

The moment the front wheel lands on the obstacle, you immediately release the brake. The car “bounces back” and the crossing goes smoothly.

Release the brakes immediately on contact with the obstacle. 

The 4x4 will then move up the nose as it passes over it. The shock absorber travel will then be completely unobstructed, which will greatly spare the mechanics.

It's a bit of a gamble, but it's a very effective technique. 

It makes it much easier to negotiate bumps, for example, and extends the life of your 4x4. 

Practice and you'll soon get the hang of it.


A. Obstacle

4. Front shock absorber decompression

5. Rear shock absorber compression

When you release the brakes and the car rises, you take advantage of this upward thrust to clear the obstacle smoothly and easily.

Practice braking just before the obstacle and releasing just as the wheels touch.

For easy practice, test this technique on speed bumps near you.